Each week this summer, I posted a random thought/idea/feeling/wish that I hope will help make me a better person and ...
Seclusion, Turning 42 and the Bucket List
Categories: Life, Making Music
Up until a week ago, I had not been doing any social media posts or checking out other peoples’ posts or maintaining my weekly blog post for 4 months. Still not sure why I did that. It wasn’t anything dramatic like ‘I’m sick of you and your cynicism and pettiness, world.’ (well, maybe there was a bit of that:)). But I think it was really because I needed to take a break and be alone. BTW, my wife was around – I never ever feel the need to take a break from her. And I happily saw people in real life.
But in our virtual world, I do like taking a step back and being unplugged. Not sure why being alone in this way feels good. It brings me comfort and solace. I like writing music when I’m in a period of being alone. This might be surprising to many who know me as I tend to be an extrovert on the outside. But I’m an introvert on the inside. Does that even make sense?????
Anyway, all is good now and I’m glad to be back from my digital isolation. It’s sort of fitting that I’ve made my return around my birthday. Turning 42 is not that big a deal. I’ve never been a big birthday or special occasion guy. Definitely don’t like to celebrate. If anyone wants to make a big deal about me, I would much rather they do it for my music, rather than me.
That being said, this birthday is sort of special for me personally and spiritually since it starts a major-ly long life tradition…my bucket list!! You see while I was in the midst of my recent seclusion, back during Christmas holidays to be specific, I decided to map out what I would like to musically accomplish in the next 38 years. I had a vision of being 80 years old and wondering what I had accomplished in my life. I don’t want to be in a life position of having not written that certain type of piece just because I didn’t plan ahead. So after days of work, I mapped out what I would like to accomplish each year for the next 38 years. Based on factors out of my control, I’m willing to switch some things around as they arise, but basically I want to know that I had the experience of writing at least one work (or more works/albums) in each of the following genres/styles:
Chamber Music (2-10 instruments)
Choral – a capella
Choral – with instrumentation
Percussion Ensemble
Wind Ensemble
Film/TV Scoring
Theatre (incidental music)
Performance Art
Music/Radio Documentary
You might think I’m crazy for planning this much out. Maybe you’re right. But I’m still happy that I did it. And if you’re curious to know if I actually accomplish all this? Well, get back to me in 38 years to find out.
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