Human Cyborg

2014 – for The Frank Horvat Band – 4:41

Music and words by Frank Horvat


Album: Strange Machine
Buy Song: iTunes or CDBaby
Date: May-August 2014
Location: THE FARM, Toronto
Musicians: Frank Horvat (piano), Ghislain Aucoin (vocals), Thom Gill (guitar), Bram Gielen (bass), Jean Martin (percussion), Felicity Williams (bg vocals), Kismet Cooper (bg vocals)
Producer: Frank Horvat and Jean Martin

Strange Machine - The Frank Horvat Band

  1. Human Cyborg The Frank Horvat Band - Frank Horvat (piano), Ghislain Aucoin (vocals), Thom Gill (guitar), Bram Gielen (bass), Jean Martin (percussion), Felicity Williams (bg vocals), Kismet Cooper (bg vocals) Buy on iTunes 04:41


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Programme Notes

Human Cyborg is a quasi-homage to all those people out there who do mundane and uninspiring jobs. The verses of the song depict scenes from 3 such jobs: a telemarketer, a factory worker who also lives on the premises of the factory (quite common in China) and a fast food server. With this in mind, I made the vocal line in the verses very melancholy and uneasy (over a 7/4 time signature). The choruses are chipper and cute, but definitely with the intent of musical sarcasm.

– Frank Horvat


Good evening, Sir
I’m calling to conduct a short survey
Rest assured I have nothing to sell
You are the nine hundredth person I’ve called today
Same script, same reply, no, not today.

Welcome to my human cyborg life

Good morning, Sir
Yes, my breakfast in the mess hall was okay
I shall report to Unit C right away
One thousand X4R parts to be attached today

Welcome to my human cyborg life

Q, 1, W, 2, E, 3, R, 4, T, 5, Y, 6, U, 7, I, 8, O, 9,
P, 0, A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, Z, X, C, V, B, N, M
Life, what have you brought me?

Good Wednesday, Sir
Would you like trans fat with that today?

Welcome to my human cyborg life


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