2006 / Solo
- In the Name of Ignorance Frank Horvat 07:45
Programme Notes
In my opinion, the single greatest danger to humanity today is religious fundamentalism. It doesn’t matter if it’s Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu—anyone who spreads hate or lacks compassion in the name of their god is a big loser!
What’s even more disturbing is when such dogmas are used to raise children. It’s deeply frustrating and infuriating to hear about kids whose lives take a wrong turn because their religiously fanatic parents’ ignorance prevents them from addressing their children’s challenges and needs properly.
– Frank Horvat

I’ll Be Good
Frank Horvat (piano)
Producer: Frank Horvat
World Premiere
June 5, 2007
Frank Horvat
I’ll Be Good CD Release
The Gladstone Hotel
Toronto, Canada
Prezi Piano Concerts – January 20, 2013 (4pm, Musideum Toronto); January 20, 2013 (7pm, Musideum Toronto); April 13, 2013 (Ottawa); June 15, 2013 (Gallery 345 Toronto)