
Trees.Listen Cover Art (photo by Sharlene Wallace)

2022-24 / Solo & Electro-Chamber

51 minutes

acoustic lever harp, fixed electronics

Sharlene Wallace

  1. Ailm - Pine Sharlene Wallace (harp) 04:43
  2. Beith - Birch Sharlene Wallace (harp) 05:13
  3. Coll - Hazel Sharlene Wallace (harp) 05:28
  4. Dair 1 - Oak 1 Sharlene Wallace (harp) 07:42
  5. Eabha - Aspen Sharlene Wallace (harp) 04:09
  6. Fearn - Alder Sharlene Wallace (harp) 06:13
  7. Gort - Ivy Sharlene Wallace (harp) 03:47
  8. Dair 2 - Oak 2 Sharlene Wallace (harp) 05:43
  9. Huath - Hawthorn Sharlene Wallace (harp) 08:27

Programme Notes

Trees.Listen is a nine-piece suite for amplified acoustic lever harp and fixed electronics inspired by the enlightening book To Speak for the Trees by acclaimed medical biochemist and botanist, Dr. Diana Beresford-Kroeger. Diana possesses a unique combination of Western scientific knowledge and traditional wisdom from the ancient world. Orphaned in Ireland during her youth, she was educated by elders who instructed her in the Brehon knowledge of plants and nature.

The music that Sharlene and I co-composed is based on different letters from the ancient Ogham script, a medieval alphabet that named each letter after a type of tree, emphasizing the significance of trees to the ancient Celts. The predominant musical note heard in each piece corresponds to the note named after a particular tree. For example, you will hear a lot of Ds in Oak because the Celtic word for oak is dair, which is the name for D in their alphabet. This approach creates an additional spiritual connection between each piece, the tree, and its designated letter. The overall tone of each piece is also inspired by the information and stories shared by Diana about each tree, each having its own unique musical character, just as each tree does.

Sharlene and I implemented a unique multi-phase process to create this new music with the help of our good friend, Jean Martin. In Phase 1, Jean recorded Sharlene playing samples/loops on her harp. In Phase 2, I used these samples as the foundation for composing electronic bed tracks. Then in Phase 3, Sharlene composed a live harp part on top of those bed tracks. In Phase 4, we convened to fine-tune the compositions and record demos. All this led to the 5th and final phase where we produced an album recording of the suite while continuing to make revisions along the way. This was truly a collaborative effort.

Sharlene and I hope that Trees.Listen supports Diana’s vision: that trees are a fundamental part of our existence and survival on this planet, and they deserve to be worshipped and protected. We are fortunate to have received Diana’s enthusiastic support for our endeavour. She is a passionate individual who envisions a better world with more trees!

– Frank Horvat

Horvat and Wallace perform their storytelling tree music with spontaneity and virtuosity.

– Tiina Kiik, WholeNote Magazine

Learn more about the making of this album.

Trees.Listen - music by Frank Horvat and Sharlene Wallace

Sharlene Wallace (Celtic lever harp)

Co-Composers: Frank Horvat, Sharlene Wallace
Producers: Frank Horvat, Jean Martin, Sharlene Wallace
Label: I Am Who I Am Records

World Premiere (Birch & Hazel)
August 15, 2023
Sharlene Wallace (harp)
Island Mountain Arts
Sunset Theatre
Wells, BC, Canada

World Premiere (Complete)
September 6, 2024
Sharlene Wallace (harp)
The Arboretum, University of Guelph
Guelph, Canada

Installation Premiere
Fall 2024 at The Arboretum at the University of Guelph, Canada

Project funded in part thanks to generous support from:

A wonderful community of harp students.

Canada Council for the Arts
Recording funded in part thanks to the Ontario Arts Council

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