An intimate evening of song, revelation, friendship and intimacy.
The night is finally here! Start the new year with a new sound and a new band. The Frank Horvat Band’s debut album, I Can See You, is unlike anything you’ve heard before. Pop, poetry and modern expression in a beautifully pained existence.
TFHB’s post Pink Floyd/Radiohead/Bjork sound is highly textured creating a hypnotic & ambient as well as percussive + electronic experience.
Join the band for a concert, get your free copy of the new CD and party with some nibbles and a cash bar at the cooler than cool, Creatures:Collective gallery space.
[or buy your copy of I Can See You]
Can’t make it? See more concert dates…
For interview requests or additional information, please contact us at:
that PR thing – Danielle Iversen, Publicist
416-923-6566 or