The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) continues with its 45th anniversary, featuring 107 animation works selected from 2528 entries received from 38 different countries from around the globe. Ottawa’s largest film festival and one of the world’s premier animation events runs online September 22nd to October 3rd, 2021.
Guillaume Pelletier-Auger‘s experimental short, ‘What the Walls Feel as they Stare at Rob Ford Sitting in his Office’, created for Frank Horvat’s clarinet composition by the same name (performed by Peter Stoll) has been selected for the Short Film Competition Number 6.
This abstract animation was created through computer programming, ‘creative coding’. Skwigly, the online animation magazine, calls it one of the highlights of this year’s festival.
Watch the live gala and Q&A on September 27.
The film will also be screened at the Bytowne Cinema in Ottawa on October 3.
This composition is from Frank Horvat’s album, What Goes Around.