2021 (Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash)

Hopes and Dreams for 2021

Happy New Year! Here are my hopes and dreams for this coming year…

Despite the threat of COVID, the flu or any other disease, everyone will get a chance to make themselves as healthy as possible so their body can fight off any pesky intruders that come their way.

Everyone get’s a chance to feel spiritually fulfilled despite having to live through a time when we are being limited.

The world heals to a level that allows anyone to hug and kiss any of their loved ones.

Everyone has the opportunity to realize their full potential while enjoying the journey of getting there.

Everyone has an opportunity to have a safe shelter, clean air and drinking water.

We see everything deeper.

More empathy.

More understanding.

Peace for all.

Love for all.

Hope for all.

2021 (Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash)

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