Each week this summer, I posted a random thought/idea/feeling/wish that I hope will help make me a better person and ...
My Fear for Canada
Categories: Life
Canada is set to go to the polls this coming Monday, Oct 19. It’s not new for me to say that I am not a big Stephen Harper fan. The man’s incompetence as a Prime Minister is well documented yet baffling. How has this person stayed in power for so long?
Despite his dismal record, I fear that he can still win this election if the following happens…
• There’s voter apathy and people don’t come out to vote. I think this is why Harper has advocated for laws that make it more difficult for people to vote. He knows that the less people are engaged, the better it is for him because the remaining voters will vote for the status quo.
• Voter apathy specifically from younger people. That is not to say that all young people are left leaning. But one can assume that the majority are more progressive in their thought process and therefore would vote for anyone but Harper.
• The left will split the vote. Let’s say some riding has 34% vote for the Conservatives, 32% for the Liberals and 32% for the NDP, that means the Conservatives still win despite getting the vast minority of the vote…can you tell I hate the first past the post system:)!?!
The only 2 things that can guarantee that my fear does not become a reality on Monday and that we don’t have another 4 years of hell is the following…
• We need to get everyone out to vote that can vote. Do what you need to do get people out!!
• Vote strategically!! It was not that long ago where I questioned the practice. But after conversations with many, the choice is clear that we have no choice but to vote strategically! In my riding, I will be holding my nose and voting Liberal. While I’m not a fan of many Liberal policies, for me they are a way lesser of two evils. Sites like www.votetogether.ca are helpful in ensuring that we vote for the candidate that has the best chance of defeating the Conservative candidate in your riding.
This is not the most genuine way to vote but what choice do we have? If our country is going to regain its international reputation, restore respect for all Canadians and our laws, then we must act now to take our country back from this ruthless tyrant.
Fingers crossed that it all works out Monday night!!
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