I’m sitting here trying to write my weekly blog post. I often think to myself, ‘you should write about some non-musical topic for a change. Nobody wants to ALWAYS read about your musical hijinks!’
So, I listen to that little voice in my head and I start brainstorming something else I should write about. Something in the news? Na, everyone (me included) seems to be getting sick and tired of reading about Donald Trump all the time. How about sharing a unique story I’ve heard from my network of connections? Nothing’s catching my eye…everyone seems to be nicely into summer r&r mode with nothing much going on.
Then it hit me, I’m constantly just thinking about and doing music. I guess this is because of the way my life is structured. Having no money and leading an artist’s life makes it difficult to pursue other activities. All my days lately are either filled with practicing, teaching or composing. And when I take a little time off, I go for a walk, read a book or watch TV or a movie as an outlet for something different. And that’s it – pretty boring, eh?
I have a family member who’s always telling me that I need to get a hobby. And you know, I can see her point. But these days, I don’t have the ambition to do that. All my mental and physical energy is being devoted to staying healthy and outputting as much music as I can. Is this a bit extreme and manic? Maybe, I guess. But at least I’m having fun doing it…I think.