5 Things I’ve Never Shared Publicly…til now

1. I had a vasectomy 6 years ago. Not sure why I’ve never shared this. It’s nothing I’m ashamed of. In fact, I’m quite proud of it! When Lisa and I decided a number of years ago that we didn’t want to have kids, we decided that this is something I should do. At first, I was very afraid to get “snipped”. Everything in “that area” is so sensitive. But after talking to other guys who had it done, I realized I could and would be brave. And despite being a bit nervous, it really wasn’t that big of a deal. Only thing I wish is that we had decided sooner on the kids question so I could have gotten it done sooner. I can’t recommend it enough to any guy out there who’s in a long-term relationship with a woman. If you’re done having kids or it’s not in the cards for your future, get it done!

(…and since we’re kind of on the topic…)

2. I wear and rotate the same underwear on the same days of the week, every week. I think I have OCD.

3. I had a stalker when I was in grade 8. This girl kept slipping notes in my locker, roses tucked in the lock for my locker and phone calls to my house but never talking on the other end. When I changed schools and started high school in grade 9, the phone calls continued and notes this time in my home mailbox. I was so embarrassed and freaked out by it that I never told anyone…not even my parents. When I would get the little gifts and notes, I would throw them out in waste bins in public parks so no one I knew would see the contents. Eventually, the silent phone calls, messages, and gifts stopped and I never heard from her again. I hope she’s okay.

4. The only other job/career I’ve ever contemplated other than music is being a bartender, which is sort of strange since I almost never drink and I like going to sleep at 10pm. I guess it does sort of make sense though since I am extroverted and I do like to hear people’s stories. Hmm, you never know, if money get’s scarce, this might still be in my future.

5. I cried at the ending of the film, Mr. Holland’s Opus. I think I envisioned that I would be his character when I’m older.

I still have secrets that I don’t feel comfortable revealing…maybe one day. For now, it sort of felt nice to get these things off my chest. Thanks for reading.


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