Weddings Are Wonderful!

This week, Lisa and I had the pleasure of attending the wedding of a good friend. Over the years, we have been fortunate to attend a handful of weddings of close friends. Sometimes, there are gaps between such occurrences. It had been quite a while since we attended our last before this week. All the wonderful feelings of our own wedding always flood back to us when we attend our friends’ weddings. I often think, would I get the same feelings if I attended a complete stranger’s wedding? I never had the guts to be a wedding crasher…maybe I should try that one day just to see how I would feel.

I don’t like to think of myself as a sentimental person, but I guess I am, whether I like it or not. Tears can fall into my roast prime rib as I sit and listen to a good speech from friends and family at a wedding.

I’m not a religious person but many weddings have references to God and quotes from the bible. Surprisingly, those will often touch me. Because whether you’re religious or not, how can you not be touched by the sentiments of love, caring, compassion, selflessness to your life partner, family, and friends?

I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that I would be a sucker for weddings since music plays such an important role in all aspects of the big day. I’ve always felt that music is the single greatest form of communication that can represent any human emotion. Weddings are rampant with emotion. They’re really a match made in heaven.

Lisa and I feel very fortunate that the first wedding we ever went to was our own. All our friends started getting married after us. So that means all their weddings have always been a walk down memory lane for us. We relive our special day through them each and every time. We rarely look at our wedding photos. Perhaps we don’t feel that necessity since we have the pleasure of rehashing those feelings through others.

Many enjoy being single, and that’s okay. Many couples happily ‘live in sin’ without officially getting hitched, and that’s okay too. But even these folks have to admit it feels darn good to go to a wedding, even if it’s not their own.

Sometimes I find our culture diminishes or mocks weddings. Sometimes I laugh at these but deep down it’s wrong to mock the event. Weddings are wonderful. Weddings are a ritual that ties us together as humans. Without them, we wouldn’t be who we are.


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